Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My 3rd grade class's Burris Ewell

When I was in the 3rd grade, there were about 30 of us in the class, and most of us were pretty good kids, nobody got in trouble, we just did what we had to do, except of course, for a boy named Nicholas.

Nicholas was a short, chubby boy with longish light brown hair and green eyes. He was the class bully who made girls cry, fought with the boys, and didn't pay attention to the teachers. And he smelled badly.

Nobody wanted to sit next to him, there were conferences in school about him with his parents, but nothing changed. The teachers told us just to ignore him, that they tried to discipline him but it was impossible because they got no help form his parents. It seemed as if they were worse than he was. Nothing could be done about him.

He was my classmate for three years, but the only teacher he ever respected was Mr. Glynn, my 5th grade teacher. We ALL respected him, he was scary looking! hahaha! Anyway, I don't know what he did, but Mr. Glynn made him pay attention in class and he never had any smell problems anymore... He was never SUPER clean, but at least it wasnt like before!

I'd like you all to tell me your experiences about somebody in your class, from your time in school, who was similar to Burris or Nicholas. I think we all had somebody like this in our lives, our own "Burris."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Worst Teacher I've Ever Had

Everyone has hundreds of stories concerning teachers and the bad experiences we have had with them, especially ones we didn't like nor got along with.
For me, believe it or not, there were quite a few... But I have to say, one of them has the title of "Worst Teacher In My Life", the Spanish Social Studies teacher! I won't give her real name, for ethical reasons, but I'll call her Gladys, for practicity's sake.

Every class with her was horrible because she never taught us anything, it was just reading our Estudios Sociales, Irmina C. de Lezcano's ANCIENT books, and then complete the workbook. That´s it. We never even went over the answers in class to see if they were correct, she never answered any questions when we couldn't find an answer, all she said was "it's in the book". The only thing Gladys did was supposedly "read" our answers, and write down that we did the class work. This was the procedure in EVERY SINGLE CLASS.

We were all so tired of it that one day my friend Vincent and I thought up to do something. Since we suspected that she never read anything we wrote, we created a "code" that we would use in parts of our writing just to have PROOF that she didn't read our work. So, what happened? Nothing. She never realized that we were using different characters besides roman letters. When she checked our work and told us "very nice work", we cracked up laughing! Of course we told everybody else what we did, and the entire class was laughing at her, and she never even noticed!

What could the directors of our school have been thinking when they hired her? Nobody will ever know, I guess...

Anyway, I want all of you to tell me your experience with the worst teacher you've ever had. Please write it as a comment in this post so it's all together. You have until next Tuesday to do it... And also take the time to read other people's Stories (no "H"!) because the objective of this blog is to share....

See you all on Thursday!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Walter's story

In 1979 I was 6 years OLD, I lived on the country, specifically in Buena Vista, I remember that in this village lived a man named ABERO, he was ugly and bad clothes, and was the terror for all the children, because everybody said, specially the adult people, that he carried on the bag all bad children.
He always walked around the village with a dirty bag on the back, and arrived on the house for to request for alcoholic drink or food, but he always wanted paid with work, your specialty was to do firewood. He didn’t demonstrate that was a bad man, I grew there until 16, Since I moved here, I never knew about him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Neighborhood "Boo"

When a person is a child, our imaginations seems to be a very strong part of our lives. We create entire stories in our minds about something or someone we don't understand.

When I was about 5-6 years old (like Scout in the story), I was living in EncarnaciĆ³n at the time, and there was also a very similar neighborhood "Boo", except I don't recall what we named him. All of us children were scared of a tall, old man who lived in the woods (yes, during that time, there WERE woods in EncarnaciĆ³n!) and every once in a while he used to pass by our street with a sack on his back. We all said that he ate animals and children and thus created this fantasy that he would steal us, which is something that probably began by our parents for us to stay away from strangers! Anyway, every time this old man walked by our street, all the children would scream and run away as fast as possible! We were terrified of him! Imagine doing this...

As I look back, he was probably a harmless, innocent old man who felt hurt every time we did this, but as children we didn't perceive this, we didn't take his feelings into consideration. Years later, when I was about 9 and after coming back from NY on vacation, my grandmother told me that he had died all alone in his little cabin. For some reason I felt very sad when she told me this, maybe because it signified an ending, or maybe because I realized what we, as children, had done to that poor, old man.

I believe that everybody has had a similar story to this in their lives and I want to hear them from you. It doesn't need to be very long, but I do want each one of you to share your experience!

Oh, by the way, this link is for the vocab and questions of the story!

See you all on Thursday with the vocab, questions, and of course, I want to read your experience as soon as possible!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Begin to read "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Hi class,
This week we will begin reading the new book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, and you will need to download the first nine chapters so we can begin working with them (just click on the url: ). Since this is the first time I'm doing this, I hope it works! Let me know what happens.
See you Tuesday!

The first day of Intermediate 1

This is the first day of I1, and even though one of you isn't here (Cesar A.), I thought you'd like to see or have this picture since I don't think you ever took a picture together, right? At least not while I was there! The fact that you got this far, without repeating once, shows the perseverance you all possess and I'm very proud of you!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Essay on artists

Hi class!
This is our new way of being in contact and I expect to hear your opinions, questions, doubts, and any thoughts you have on the class, but all in English, of course! Since this is the first entry, I'm only using this as a reminder for your present work.
1. The essay is due on Tuesday, November 11, and it must be given to me by computer (esp. you Cesar N!).
2. Remember it must be a minimum of 7 paragraphs (1 par. is 4-6 sent).
3. Don't forget to write strong introductions and conclusions.
4. You must PROVE why the painting you chose is the best or worst of the artist by using clear ideas and examples. Convince me!
5. Have an excellent weekend everybody!