Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My 3rd grade class's Burris Ewell

When I was in the 3rd grade, there were about 30 of us in the class, and most of us were pretty good kids, nobody got in trouble, we just did what we had to do, except of course, for a boy named Nicholas.

Nicholas was a short, chubby boy with longish light brown hair and green eyes. He was the class bully who made girls cry, fought with the boys, and didn't pay attention to the teachers. And he smelled badly.

Nobody wanted to sit next to him, there were conferences in school about him with his parents, but nothing changed. The teachers told us just to ignore him, that they tried to discipline him but it was impossible because they got no help form his parents. It seemed as if they were worse than he was. Nothing could be done about him.

He was my classmate for three years, but the only teacher he ever respected was Mr. Glynn, my 5th grade teacher. We ALL respected him, he was scary looking! hahaha! Anyway, I don't know what he did, but Mr. Glynn made him pay attention in class and he never had any smell problems anymore... He was never SUPER clean, but at least it wasnt like before!

I'd like you all to tell me your experiences about somebody in your class, from your time in school, who was similar to Burris or Nicholas. I think we all had somebody like this in our lives, our own "Burris."


  1. who did not has, some classmate likes Burris or Nicholas in the class, similar situation I had in the second grade, a classmate that her nickname was Niela and she was older than the rest of the classmate and very poor person, she was three years in the second grade because she always left the course half of year and when she liked back to class, maybe for that she never had learn anything, Niela was like Burris because had a bad smell and his clothes always it was broken, and nobody wanted to sit next to her, by the bad smell and because she was very poor, for her snack only carried peanuts or popcorn, she never has carried money, I had a classmate called Teresa who always laugh by her because she carried peanuts for her snack and always Teresa cried Niela dirty and crazy and everybody began to laugh. One day the teacher said to Teresa and The classroom not to say most that to Niela and it does not matter what someone carry to eat in the school if somebody do not have money to buy something to eat, is not correct laugh by the misfortune of the people.

  2. Pablo The Lunatic

    In the time of the pre school I had a partner called Pablo.
    Pablo was a tall boy.. blond of blue eyes, very pretty but very crazy
    He was the clown of the class, he bothered the girls . He stole the snack of some.
    Pablo used the skirt of dances of my partners and he began to imitate to Xuxa.
    by Norma Sanchez

    He lifted us the skirt and for that reason we had always used short.
    He not paid attention to anything and never doing he homework.He lived more in the psychologist's room that in classes.
    Pablo was my partner until the 5 grade later he left to another school and from that day I never saw him again.

  3. Being in school from the 1st until the 3rd grade I had a partner like Burris, as the more restless in class. His last name is Toppi.
    Did not respect to any teacher or to classmates. When the teacher left the classroom for a few minutes, in those few minutes and made a mess in the classroom, to throw up by the fan the notebooks of classmates, nobody wanted by the fact that it was very restless, nor his parents could control it, with the difference Burris, my partner smell good, Hahaha, but already at the high school in the 4th course, I had a Classmate that if you do not smell good, the nickname of Mary, and Our question was why? being that had all the amenities, and just as no one wanted to be closer to her.
    After some time was more neat.

  4. In the 3th course, I remember a classmate than everybody dislikes her, we called her "Polvorita", because she believed she was more important than everybody in class but she didn´t have anything special; I think she had a problem with her hairs becuase she never combed it. Buth, the worse was when we had a test, she always trayied to copy of us, but when she studied she never helped anybody. Untill we finished the school she always was alone.

  5. In my class was all normal but not only playing But all the children, to once I remember in 3ยบ degree in the recreation it cuts the rubber of my classmate that they was playing and went my first “Vist” to the direction……

  6. No school can exist without a Burris Ewell, all the schools have one, an student or classmate who always is bothering everybody including the teachers, there’s no way out to escape of them.

    All of my old teachers that I had when I was a child, my mother, my friends, and my ex classmates, all of them say and affirm that I was a Burris Ewell since the second grade to the fifth grade, I supposedly was problem child, ha! could you believe it!. Of course I don’t remember that, but I don’t know if I don’t remember or if I don’t wanna remember it jajajaja.

    They say that I bothered everybody in the class, that I scream with the teacher very badly, that I always fought with the boys and made the girls cry, and they also say that I stole my classmates’ lunch, of course that’s not true because I don’t remember.

    But supposedly one day, after pass the fifth grade, suddenly I changed and became a new and better child. I really don’t believe in what they say because I don’t remember nothing about that, but who knows.
