Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Worst Teacher I've Ever Had

Everyone has hundreds of stories concerning teachers and the bad experiences we have had with them, especially ones we didn't like nor got along with.
For me, believe it or not, there were quite a few... But I have to say, one of them has the title of "Worst Teacher In My Life", the Spanish Social Studies teacher! I won't give her real name, for ethical reasons, but I'll call her Gladys, for practicity's sake.

Every class with her was horrible because she never taught us anything, it was just reading our Estudios Sociales, Irmina C. de Lezcano's ANCIENT books, and then complete the workbook. That´s it. We never even went over the answers in class to see if they were correct, she never answered any questions when we couldn't find an answer, all she said was "it's in the book". The only thing Gladys did was supposedly "read" our answers, and write down that we did the class work. This was the procedure in EVERY SINGLE CLASS.

We were all so tired of it that one day my friend Vincent and I thought up to do something. Since we suspected that she never read anything we wrote, we created a "code" that we would use in parts of our writing just to have PROOF that she didn't read our work. So, what happened? Nothing. She never realized that we were using different characters besides roman letters. When she checked our work and told us "very nice work", we cracked up laughing! Of course we told everybody else what we did, and the entire class was laughing at her, and she never even noticed!

What could the directors of our school have been thinking when they hired her? Nobody will ever know, I guess...

Anyway, I want all of you to tell me your experience with the worst teacher you've ever had. Please write it as a comment in this post so it's all together. You have until next Tuesday to do it... And also take the time to read other people's Stories (no "H"!) because the objective of this blog is to share....

See you all on Thursday!


  1. Worst Teacher...
    I can’t to say that I had a worst teacher, but my case is very special because I study in a town very small, and everybody know everybody, then I needed to be applied, also all the teachers were practically my aunts, but I can to say that the literature’s teacher was bad and demanding and she liked to do suffer to the student.

  2. What did she do to make the students suffer Walter? Those are the things we want to hear!! hahaha! It's very interesting that you came from a small town where everybody knew each other, was it similar in some ways to Maycomb county?

  3. Well, I think so that she enjoyed when we not pass the exam…

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  5. Everybody knows that when a person study in a public school does not find lazy teachers, most of them were humble people that loved their work of teacher and they take care for student’s learning, we also must emphasize that when I was in the school the regimen of government in Paraguay was the dictatorship and as such was not easy to study and the people that studied they can not think, only that the teacher taught was the correct to learn and nobody can not thought different. I had the luck of that the most of my teachers were good professors, but as nothing is perfect, I had a bad experience with a teacher because my first and second grades I did it in the countryside and them in the next year we had to move to the city, and the third grade was very difficult to me especially because the difference of teaching that exists among the school in the country and in the city, and to all that added a very nervous professor who I would not like to remember his name because almost I leave the school for that, for example when the students did not understand the signature that he taught, he was a long piece of wood (a ruler ), that with he did hit us and also if he asked to us some questions and we can not to answer he cried looking our eyes near the face, like a ferocious tiger, he did not has a little bit of patience, maybe was the worst year of study in my life, I wanted not to return at the school, however to my good luck the teacher was with us until winter’s vacations, I never knew why they changed him but I suspect that the director realized that he was not a good teacher because the students can not understand him and was a tyrannical teacher.

  6. Arnaldo!!! you story is very long, this like you kill my story, but ok!!

  7. Since I remember, all of the teachers that I have had are very especial, maybe a little crazy, but not bad, so I can’t say who the worst teacher I have ever had was, all of them were only especial, just that.
    I had teachers that slept in the hour of taking class, others who were also lawyers and only talked about his cases in the class, others who only appeared on the day of the exam, and I have one so, so especial who makes her students read very, very long stories je, je, je, je, I’m joking. So I can say that all of my teachers that I have and had are very good, especially the one who gives to her students stories to read je, je, je,(extra points)je, je, je.

  8. Really? Who's that Cesar? hahaha! What a bad teacher!

  9. How traumatizing Arnaldo! Those teachers must be fired from their jobs immediately because they can make the little kids hate school! Which is probably why so many do!

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  12. The worst teacher I had was for Literature, was so disorganized that it does not even understand what they gave us work, even so it was very demanding,
    The nickname "Chucky" because it was very similar to the movie doll. Everyone made fun of her.
    For now we remember with great sympathy.

  13. Chucky? Hahaha! She wasn't very pretty then, I assume... Not like Ms. Caroline!

  14. Perla Sánchez

    When I was in the 2nd course had a professor of accounting that was so boring that nobody pays attention. He spoke slowly, without eagerness, my partners threw roles to his face and laughed,and he continued the class as if nothing happened. It was not bad, but their way to teach was sad, had no way of paying attention, and often some partners up sleeping in class. This was my worst teacher and that's why I never liked the accounts because they always remind me of him.

  15. Norma Sánchez said...

    I don't remember all my professors but when I was in the 3 year of the University of Engineering Computer. I had a teacher called Gloria. She taught Programming Language C++

    Nobody was able to understand the class, it was already difficult and when you requested so that she explains again herself she already got lost.

    We were 6 months of class with her. I remember that I didn't enter to class because I can´t see her. She explained the exercise and while we copied she sat down and eat in the classroom.

    I pass that class for that I learned of memory a each it exercised that she gave in the classroom, but for their blame I never could understand Programming Language C++.

  16. Hi people! I really don´t remember very well over my school teacher...! because that happened..(you know..ja ja)many, many, many years ago!!? but however I´ll try tell you sth..Well, when I had 7 years old, i was in 2nd grade. At this time my teacher was a fat woman, with short red curly hair, blue yes & strong character. She taught us well, but all of my classmates -including me- of course!! felt afraid from her, because she had hard face expression & strong character. Then we named her -"cuca"- supposily her nickname, because she represented our -cuco- (someone who we feel terror)...well...thta´s my old experience with teacher....is not a worst teacher...By the way of my student life I have many teachers like unruly had, in the same way..By

  17. Perla, I think that all of us had teachers with just no TALENT, right? Nor any personality.. We used to throw paper at the back of our teacher Gladys and she never even felt it! Or maybe she ignored us... hahaha

  18. Norma, the worst teachers, in my opinion, are the University teachers. Out of all the teachers I had, maybe two were good, the rest were a disaster! Your description reminds me of my Roman Law teacher, he spoke low, nobody heard him when he taught, and he didn't care... It's so difficult like that!

  19. Hi everybody, I think Im the last haha.. Ok, here we go... My worst teacher I´ve ever had, was the Literature´s Teacher, she always was in a bad mood and never liked our works and loved to ashamed us when we had an exposition. Maybe she had a lot of problems, I dont know, but now a think how is possible a person be always serious, in a bad mood, she never smiled, never had a good comentary, never... The worst was than anybody in my class didnt want to study Literature(including me) because she made it bored. The worst of this story? I dont how, but now she is one of the principals directors there hehe... Maybe she changed, people change, so we always have to believe than this is possible...

  20. do not worry walter, i can not finished my letter, ja ja only for that is long.

  21. yes teacher romina,those are very traumatizing,how many children left the school for similar fact and how many teacher are like my third grade`s teacher. but you do not worry teacher you are totaly different.sincerely.

  22. Well, so far we have 2 people who coincided with the Literature teacher being bad! hahaha! Fotunately I didn't have that problem!

  23. The winner of the worse teacher is LITERATURE .. hahaha

  24. Well, in fact memory not to have had bad professors, who shout or punishers, but of a professor of Social Studies who did not teach anything, once in an exam that to locate the rivers of Central America and did not remember me, then I put names from saints to the Rivers “san Carlos” “San Jose” “San Pedro” and later my score was five.
